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Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market. Subs is the fair social network build for artists and content creators. create original NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and sell them on the NFT marketplace and earn royalties in secondary market.

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Wir verwenden Technologie, um dein digitales Medium als das von dir geschaffene Original zu zertifizieren. Sowie einen transparenten Eigentumsnachweis, welcher durch einen einzigartigen Token (non-fungible Token, NFT) in einer öffentlichen Datenbank (der Blockchain) gesichert ist. All das macht dein Original zu einem handelbaren Gut über die Subs Plattform.

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BETA Launch im Juli 2021
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Zertifiziere digitale Inhalte als "Original"

Ein non-fungible Token (NFT) auf der Blockchain dient als Nachweis der Urheberschaft.

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Kaufe / verkaufe "Originals" in der Subs App

Der Smart Contract beweist das Eigentum und macht das "Original" zu einem handelbaren Asset.

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Unterstütze Künstler & Creators

"Originals" können beliebig oft weiterverkauft werden. Die Urheber erhalten dabei automatisch Tantieme.

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Erstelle einen SUBS Channel

Lade die SUBS App hier  herunter & erstelle deinen Account. Stelle sicher du hast ein schönes Bild und deinen Namen richtig.


Verifiziere dich als echte Person

Nur verifizierte Mitglieder erhalten den "Creator" Status. Du erhältst zudem einen Badge + wir pflanzen einen Baum.


Bewerbe dich für "Creator" Status

Machst du einzigartige Kunst / Content? Dann bewerbe dich für die Beta, um diese als Originals über die Subs Plattform zu erstellen und zu verkaufen.

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Mit "Originals" NFTs kippen wir die CO2-Charts um. Weitere Details werden bei Launch bekannt gegeben.

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"Originals" sind non-fungible Tokens auf der Flow Blockchain von Dapper Labs, den Machern von CryptoKitties und NBA TopShots. Der Marktplatz wird vom Subs Smart Contract gesteuert, der alles von der Erstellung der "Originals" NFTs, der Kaufverifizierung und der Übertragung zwischen den Nutzer Wallets abwickelt. Die Flow Blockchain läuft mit Proof-of-Stake und minimalen Gas Fees, es ist also von sich aus bereits umweltfreundlicher als Blockchains, welche auf Proof-of-Work laufen wie z.B. Bitcoin oder Ethereum.


Wir glauben, dass ein Social Media Unternehmen im Kern sozial sein muss, angefangen bei seinem Geschäftsmodell.

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